
社区 Accountability, Response, and Emergency 服务 | 在乎

的 在乎 department promotes safety for the Barnard community 跨越所有元素: physical, 火与生命, 结构, 人际关系, 和心理.


关怀热线(非紧急): 212-854-3362
社区安全(紧急): 212-854-6666
不歧视 & 第九条: 212-854-0037

的 在乎 department includes three units: Response Team, 社区安全, and 准备.

的 工作 of the department provides attention to the complexity of safety 跨越所有元素: physical, 火与生命, 结构, 人际关系, 和心理. 的 department contributes to and supports a safe, 健康的, and inclusive learning environment for students, 教师, and 工作人员 to thrive as they live, 工作, 在校园里学习, as well as those visiting our campus community.

Response Team


的 Response Team members provide resources and initial intervention for the Barnard community. This includes the operations of the 在乎 nonemergency phone line as well as continuity in initial response and support, 推荐, and follow-up across the response team and campus partners.



社区安全 provides campus security and related emergency services as an integral part of the campus community. 社区安全’s responsibilities include patrolling the campus in support of campus operations, attending to building security, responding to mitigate risks or hazards, and providing emergency response.



的 准备 员工监督消防安全, 预防, 和教育, and contributes to emergency protocols that provide members of the 十大电竞游戏综合排名 community with important information on how to respond to a broad range of emergencies that may impact campus. Individual preparedness is also important, so we encourage members of the community to think about personal preparedness as well as being familiar with campus information and resources.

在乎努力展示 ...


By 工作ing in partnership with campus members and community partners, we will provide attention to the complexity of safety across all the elements: physical, 火与生命, 结构, 人际关系, 和心理.


我们会帮助学生, 教师, 工作人员, and community members through reliable communication and connection to resources on and off-campus by providing a supportive response to each unique circumstance.


We will provide support and services in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing individual differences in the Barnard community.


We provide outreach 和教育 for 火与生命 safety and crime 预防, as well as facilitate proactive measures to maintain safety compliance with federal, 状态, 以及地方法规, supporting safety across all areas of the College.


Through information sharing and engagement by phone, 几乎, 或者亲自去, we will provide options that raise awareness of campus resources, 安全措施, and other options for assistance and empower individuals to make informed decisions.